Some might be wondering what they should actually pay for a wedding photographer. Generally speaking you should first consider your budget. Starting here will save you tons of stress and worry. You can find a photographer at any price point but generally speaking you will have to pay more for quality. The low end of a quality photographer would be around 2k and will go up from there. How high? Thats relative to what you consider alot of money. Jennifer Lopez obviously wouldn't if she had to drop over 10k just on a photographers services for one night while some people would faint thinking of taking out that much.Â
Generally speaking if you know your budget, give that range to the photographer and discuss. Giving out price points is generally a marketing tactic, I say start with yourself and then find a photographer who can match what you can afford. You can't fit the world in a price range filter. A long standing practice in the photography industry is negotiation. While it's true people know generally what they need to charge in order to stay in business things can usually be worked out between the two parties. Don't be afraid to have a discussion with the person you wish to hire.
Every business and even has different situations that apply. A corporation putting on an even or a city/government agency and a photo studio who regularly serves such entities will obviously be way over 2k with their pricing. To ask what does something cost one would first need all the variables on both ends. This is why I say most times if people are telling you what something actually costs cant fully know. Data is always always more complex than the numbers. Big data usually is responding to demand and demand always wants answers. Data scientists get paid to create models and magically make that data mean something. Don't take the bait; Do you.
My advice is after you figure out budget then look for the artist you want to take photos. Its a once in a lifetime opportunity, don't get taken in by marketing. Price points on websites are a trap to suck you in. If you see the artists body of work and you like what they portray on film then have a discussion on how they might translate that into your wedding. Art is a talent, not everyone can do it. That should factor into the wedding decision process. When I had a wedding I shot published in the New York Times They picked me over other photographers because they knew what I could do as an artist and they knew they wanted to get published in the Times. Art and artistry was a key factor.
After you have that discussion on how their work will translate then have a discussion with your partner and lock it down if it makes sense. Usually if the photographer is seasoned enough they will be able to pull it off. I've been in situations for big publications where I had to create high end photos at an event that usually you would do in a studio. Doing things on the fly is a highly sought after skill. There is value there and you should want that for your wedding.Â
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Also check out my wedding, couple and engagement photos here
Also my Mini Wedding package here -Â