No one walks around singing about how much they love conferences but we all attend them. Why? Because we hope to meet people that will enhance our network. While hoping is healthy in some sense we must look at the climate we are currently in with a bit more focus and determination. Virtual conferences in our current state of Covid and pandemic have created a new lane of opportunity for everyone.
Folks out of reach to join your inner network might not only attend a virtual conference but join yours. Time plus opportunity have been enhanced where prior would have been prime estranged real estate; out of reach for most of us. This current climate with focus can be a time where you gather people and power players you might have thought wouldn't have been an option.
That can mean attending a virtual conference where these people might be, or creating your own and inviting them to attend. This is the perfect time to create that lane you've wanted to explore. It's the perfect time to speak and build that next venture. Why? Because you have a captive audience. People have more time. People are on their phones more and looking to find community just a wee bit more. This creates something that has been in rare form for a very very long time; peoples attention.
When people are home more and aren't out being social they are giving the world around them more attention. A conference is a welcome time to meet people and a more attentive state and actually have a real conversation where you exchange views. To talk and not be as worried about doing the next thing because you have just a smidge more time. All the ads and the marketing we do are usually an attempt at grabbing people's attention. It seems in a time where folks are being forced to be at home people are giving more of that away at larger doses as the days melt together. Don't let this moment pass you by.
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